Showing all 13 results
DIHR GS 40T Undercounter Glass Washer
Undercounter Glass Washer
DIHR OPTIMA 400 Undercounter Glass, Dish & Cutlery Washer
Undercounter Glass, Dish & Cutlery Washer
DIHR OPTIMA 500 Undercounter Dish, Glass & Cutlery Washer
Undercounter Dish, Glass & Cutlery Washer
Follet Maestro Plus Flake Ice Maker, 193kg output, MFE425ABT
Produces up to 193kg of ice. Flake Ice
Follet Maestro Self Contained Chewblet Ice Maker With Pump Out Drain, 193kg output, UME425A80-PD
Produces up to 193kg of ice. Stores 34kg of ice. Chewblet Ice
Follet Maestro Self Contained Flake Ice Maker With Pump Out Drain, 193kg output, UFE425A80-PD
Produces up to 193kg of ice. Stores 34kg of ice. Flake Ice.
SCOTSICE BH122 + KBT25 SCOTSICE 406kg Stainless Steel Ice Storage Bin
SCOTSICE 406kg Stainless Steel Ice Storage Bin
SCOTSICE BH122 + KBT36 SCOTSICE 406kg Stainless Steel Ice Storage Bin
SCOTSICE 406kg Stainless Steel Ice Storage Bin
SCOTSICE BH122 SCOTSICE 406kg Stainless Steel Ice Storage Bin
SCOTSICE 406kg Stainless Steel Ice Storage Bin
SCOTSICE BH56 SCOTSICE 120kg Stainless Steel Ice Storage Bin
SCOTSICE 120kg Stainless Steel Ice Storage Bin
SCOTSICE BH76 + KBT14 SCOTSICE 244kg Stainless Steel Ice Storage Bin
SCOTSICE 244kg Stainless Steel Ice Storage Bin
SCOTSICE BH76 SCOTSICE 244kg Stainless Steel Ice Storage Bin
SCOTSICE 244kg Stainless Steel Ice Storage Bin
SCOTSICE IR-0 SCOTSICE Bench Model Electric Ice Crusher
SCOTSICE Bench Model Electric Ice Crusher