Showing 73–96 of 102 results
Electrolux 2 baskets 170×220 Modular cooking 700XP Accessories for Pasta Cookers
2 baskets 170×220 for pasta cookers
Electrolux 2 baskets, left and right (105x160x240) Modular cooking 700XP Accessories for Pasta Cookers
2 baskets, left and right (105x160x240) for pasta cookers – 700XP and EMPower
Electrolux 391406 1200mm Gas Fry Top, Smooth NitroChrome3 cooking plate 900XP
Large gas fry top with smooth Scratch Resistant NitroChrome3 cooking plate, horizontal, thermostatic control, scraper included – HP (availability from Q2 2020)
Electrolux 391407 1200mm Gas Fry Top, Smooth and Ribbed NitroChrome3 cooking plate 900XP
Large gas fry top with 2/3 smooth and 1/3 ribbed scratch resistant NitroChrome3 cooking plate, horizontal, thermostatic control, scraper included – HP (availability from Q2 2020)
Electrolux 391410 40L Gas Pasta Cooker 900XP
40-lt gas Pasta Cooker with 1 well (Watermark) – Aus
Electrolux 391411 40L+40L Gas Pasta Cooker 900XP
40+40-lt gas Pasta Cooker with 2 wells (AGA + Watermark) – Aus
Electrolux Ambient worktop with closed front, 1 moduleModular cooking 900XP Tops and Bases Tops
Ambient worktop with closed front, 1 module
Electrolux Ambient worktop with closed front, 1/2 moduleModular cooking 900XP Tops and Bases Tops
Ambient worktop with closed front, 1/2 module
Electrolux False bottom (230x350x60) Modular cooking 700XP Accessories for Pasta Cookers
False bottom (230x350x60) for pasta cooker baskets – EVO700
Electrolux Full Module, Modular Cooking 700XP Gas Fry Top
Full module gas Fry Top with smooth brushed chrome cooking Plate, sloped, thermostatic control, scraper included
Electrolux Full Module, Modular Cooking 900XP Gas Fry Tops
Full module gas Fry Top with smooth brushed chrome cooking Plate, horizontal, thermostatic control, scraper and sTopper included
Electrolux Half Module, Modular Cooking 700XP Gas Fry Top
Half module gas Fry Top with smooth brushed chrome cooking plate, sloped, thermostatic control, scraper included
Electrolux Half Module, Modular Cooking 900XP Gas Fry Top
Half module gas Fry Top with smooth brushed chrome cooking plate, horizontal, thermostatic control, scraper and stopper included
Electrolux Open base cupboard, 1 module and 1/2 Modular cooking 900XP Tops and Bases Bases
Open base cupboard, 1 module and 1/2
Electrolux Open base cupboard, 1 module Modular cooking 900XP Tops and Bases Bases
Open base cupboard, 1 module
Electrolux Open base cupboard, 1/2 module Modular cooking 900XP Tops and Bases Bases
Open base cupboard, 1/2 module
Ice-O-Matic Storage Bin, 110kg capacity, B25
Stores up to 110kg Ice.
Ice-O-Matic Storage Bin, 156kg capacity, B40
Stores up to 156kg Ice.
Ice-O-Matic Storage Bin, 160kg capacity, B42
Stores up to 160kg Ice.
Ice-O-Matic Storage Bin, 232kg capacity, B55
Stores up to 232kg Ice.
Ice-O-Matic Storage Bin, 388kg capacity, B110
Stores up to 388kg Ice.
ICEMATIC MC140 ICEMATIC 210kg Single Cart Ice Transportation System
ICEMATIC 210kg Single Cart Ice Transportation System
ICEMATIC MC320 ICEMATIC 391kg Single Cart Ice Transportation System
ICEMATIC 391kg Single Cart Ice Transportation System
ICEMATIC MC620 ICEMATIC 759kg Double Cart Ice Transportation System
ICEMATIC 759kg Double Cart Ice Transportation System